MTG Old Frame League XX
6 players joined the XXth MTG Old Frame League, which took place between March 12, 2024 and May 20, 2024. After playing Apocalypse Standard in the XIX league, we returned to our main format, Old Frame Vintage.
The event winner would get a Regrowth altered to foil by Kevin Altered.

We played a round-robin, with the best-performing player qualifying for the finals, while the second and third ones played the only semifinals. Vedast Sanxis won the semifinals 2-0 against Nicholas Boltuc.
The tournament’s last match, which was played for the best of 5, consisted of a Hulk Smash mirror. Karl Akbari was the final boss for Vedast. Karl’s deck was the favourite as his 4 main deck Duress and 1 Skeletal Scrying were better than Vedast’s 3 Swords to Plowshares, 1 Balance and one extra land. Karl proved to be the Hulk Smash expert and won 3-0.
This is the fourth time that Karl has won an Old Frame League, after finishing first in the third, twelfth, and seventeenth leagues.
Are you ready to join our next MTG Old Frame League? Join our Discord and Facebook to stay tuned.
MTG Old Frame League XX Decks
Here you can find the Old Frame Vintage decks played in this league.
Hulk Smash – Karl Akbari – First Place

Hulk Smash – Vedast Sanxis – Second Place

UR Fish – Nicholas Boltuc – Third Place

John Moulton – The Perfect Storm – Fourth Place

Infested Bazaar – Antoine Munier – Fifth Place