MTG Old Frame League XIX
6 players joined the XIXth MTG Old Frame League, which took place between December 2023 and February 2024. This was a special league, in which we played Apocalypse Standard.
The winner of this event would get a sealed Spanish Seventh Edition booster pack.

We played a round-robin, with the top 2 qualifying for the finals.
Michael Arnold‘s Nether Go won 2-1 against David Daniel‘s Fires deck. Because of playing with contemporary rules, Michael’s deck was much better than historically, as he was able to “combo” with Parallax Tide and Seal of Cleansing, being able to remove from the game 5 lands by sacrificing a Seal to destroy a Tide in response of activating its ability 5 times.
This is the second time that Michael Arnold has won an Old Frame League, after finishing first in the XV one, in which we played Old Frame Legacy.
Are you ready to join our next MTG Old Frame League? Join our Discord and Facebook to stay tuned. Also, find out about the next Old Frame format tournament on our Tournaments Calendar.
MTG Old Frame League XIX Decks
Here you can find the Apocalypse Standard decks played in this league.
Nether Go – Michael Arnold – First Place

Fires- David Daniel – Second Place

Machine Head – Vedast Sanxis – Third Place

Machine Head – Fred Fleury – Fourth Place

Fires – Juan Espadas – Fifth Place

Nether Go – Alex Caviris – Sixth Place