October 25, 2024 Banned and Restricted Announcement


Changes Explanation

We believe it is safe to allow players to use more than one copy of Mox Diamond in their decks. This card has rarely seen play in the format, and we think allowing up to 4 copies may benefit some archetypes and encourage new ones, without expecting any problematic decks to arise from this change.

Mox Diamond was initially restricted in Vintage in September 1999, along with 17 other cards. Never in the history of Vintage have so many cards been restricted at once, likely in response to the format’s heavy focus on combo decks.

Many of those cards were unrestricted in September 2004, including Crop Rotation, Doomsday, and Dream Halls (none of which are restricted in Old Frame Vintage), as well as Mox Diamond itself. Historical data thus supports our decision to unrestrict it. We do not believe that the presence of Mirrodin block cards was what made Mox Diamond safe to unrestrict; rather, it could have been unrestricted even earlier.

4 Korean Mox Diamond, now they can be seen in the same Old Frame Vintage deck.

There are some other cards we suspect may also be safe to unrestrict, but we prefer a cautious approach and will start with this change.